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HomeEventsEnd-of-Life Planning: Issues & Options, with Dixcy Bosley, PLEASE REGISTER BY NOON ON 10/24!

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End-of-Life Planning: Issues & Options, with Dixcy Bosley, PLEASE REGISTER BY NOON ON 10/24!

Date and Time

Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


4515 Willard Avenue (Willoughby)
Chevy Chase , MD  

Event Contact(s)

Louise H Smoak


Educational Seminar

Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

End-of-Life Planning: Issues and Options

with Dixcy Bosley, Iona Senior Services
In-Person, Wednesday, October 25, 2:00-3:00 pm 

If you attended our March program, you know how important this issue is.  This in-person session will provide you with additional information including some of the forms you need to ensure your wishes are documented.  Attendance at the March session is not required. 


The first few minutes of the program will be a quick review of the information presented in March.  Then Dixcy will provide us with more information including a checklist and some of the forms which may be helpful to you.  There will be time for questions. 


Learn how to replace fear with a plan for your end-of-life care and make empowering decisions. In this session, Dixcy Bosley will clarify what lies ahead, how to get specifics, identifying what matters most, considering prolonging life, and how to communicate and document your wishes. She will share practical approaches and insights from her years advising older people about end-stage medicine and hospice. 


Dixcy Bosley is a geriatric nurse care manager and a nurse-practitioner at Iona Senior Services. She has spent the last 30+ years developing wellness programs, raising a family, caring for her own aging parents, and advocating for informed end-of-life care in various community settings. She has been a hospice nurse and refers to herself as an End-of-Life Activist.


This presentation is free and open to everyone.  Register online for this in-person program by using the Register Now button. FHNN members and volunteers who need help registering, can email with “Bosley” in the subject line.  This program will be held in Friendship Heights, Maryland, in the Willoughby building, 4515 Willard Avenue. 


This program is made possible by an Advances in Aging grant offered by Suburban Hospital to FHNN.  

The building's COVID policy will be followed.