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HomeEventsPrecision Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease, The Right Treatment at the Right Time: Open to Everyone

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Precision Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease, The Right Treatment at the Right Time: Open to Everyone

Date and Time

Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 2:00 PM until 3:30 PM



Event Contact(s)

Louise H Smoak


Educational Seminar

Registration Info

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About this event

Precision Medicine and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Right Treatment at the Right Time

Wednesday, December 11 | 2-3:30 p.m. | FREE

Open to All, on Zoom

The evolution of technology in medicine has expanded the treatment options for those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). To harness the power precision, or personalized, medicine, we must first understand the distinctions between types of brain disease, of which AD is one of a multitude of disorders. In this session, Dr. Kostas Lyketsos, the Director of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Richman Family Precision Medicine Center of Excellence in Alzheimer’s Disease, and the Memory and Alzheimer’s Treatment Center, will lead a conversation to help us better understand:

·         The difference between dementia and AD;

·         Biomarkers and how they aid in a more accurate diagnosis; and

·         The definition of precision medicine (PM) and how PM is utilized to identify patient-specific approaches to Alzheimer's care, treatment, and prevention.

This event, sponsored by Suburban Hospital, is in partnership with Friendship Heights Neighbors Network and is part of FHNN's collaboration with Little Falls Village.